My Uzi Weighs A (Skele)ton (Boy): Friendly Fire
People mail tips to RPS as a group. Sometimes they mail them to me directly. I can't help but feel choosing the latter is the result of amateur psychoanalysis my interests (Sex, Swearing, Extreme Violence, Pop Music, Pretension, Short Temper With Patronising Pedants). So when the comments-thread's Dorian Cornelius Jasper mails me flashgame Friendly Fire I'm worried he thinks I'm a fan of the we-don't-sound-like-the-klaxons-but-we-fucking-do band. But thankfully, it's actually about a man in a top hat blowing tiny cute animals into their individual organs with a variety of heavy weaponry, collecting those organs, and then upgrading their weaponry (Presumably by swapping all the goop for guns in some kind of particularly unsavoury shop, thankfully off screen). That's the kind of thing we can all get behind, I suspect. Go play here.