Skyrim Info Egg Now Hatching
Some magazine or other has details about The Elder Scrolls V, and they've appeared on the internet! Unprecedented, I know, but now that it's happened we can totally discuss them and stuff. I'm too lazy and it's too The Weekend to bother summarising all the details myself, so fortunately for us VG247 have done it all for me. Salient points: quests are defined by how you create your character, skills have been cut down to just 18, level-scaling will behave more like Fallout 3 and less like Oblivion (with dynamic quests in the world generated to the appropriate level by how you play), you can remove the HUD, and conversations are "natural" and in the world, not zoomed in. Dual-wielding! Tree-branches moving in the wind! Woo!
There will also be better faces, which is good, but there's no word on modding the PC version. (Not quite sure what all this suggests about the engine being "all new", either.) Thoughts, internet?