Skyward Collapse's Nihon no Mura Expansion
Arcen's strangely beautiful isometric multi-sided god game, Skyward Collapse, is updating to version 2.0, and the same time as launching a Japanese-themed expansion, Nihon no Mura. Arcen explain: "The Japanese enter the fray on Luminith: their faction has a very strong military and a very strange pantheon: their gods are much more aggressive than their Greek and Norse counterparts, and each has three god creatures rather than three god tokens. Learning to play this new faction effectively is a fun new challenge: given how powerful the Japanese military and mythology are, you have to be very creative in how you help the Norse and Greeks drive back this threat." Are you allowed to use two colons in a single sentence? Seems like dangerous sentence programming to me.
Lots of details on the expansion and the free upgrade here. There's also a trailer detailing Nihon no Mura, which you can see below.