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Slowing Down For An Internet Car Crash

How could a pretty blue site causes such grinding of teeth? Well, easily, it seems. GiveWhatYouWant.Com seems to be following the million-plus success of the Humble Bundle offering indie games Aztaka, Bob Came in Pieces, Kingdom Elemental Tactics, Gravitron 2, Bridge Construction Set and PutUp in a pay what you want package, with the money being split between the developers and charity. Except... well, it's a mess. Start with the 150+ thread over at Indie Games, with initial people not getting their games exploding into stories of a complete lack of contracts, the runner of the site launching it on his wedding day, questions about wher the money is actually going and two developers (Bob Came in Pieces and Gravitron 2) withdrawing their support from the bundle (though nicely say they'll send a copy of their games to anyone who paid for the pack and didn't get the game after paying). More stuff over on the GoG forum too. After the enormous success of the Humble Bundle, this is a sad spectacle.

EDIT: PC Gamer have an interview with the gentleman behind the deal.

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