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So, Yes: The Stanley Parable

Okay, Internet! Okay. I'll play The Stanley Parable. Jeez, I'll play so you'll stop hassling me. I've got tea to drink and stuff, y'know. I mean so what, yes, it is my kind of thing. And I do like wry and creepy first-person games, and The Stanley Parable is one of those peculiar story-driven, non-linear, thought-provoking, brilliant-constructed, acutely clever, well-written mods that we love to post about, but some of us want to sit about watching Chinese action movies at ten o'clock at night, and totally don't have time to download 450mb of Half-Life 2 mod (which you only actually need Source SDK to play) and then wander through corridors figuring out what the hell is going on, and smiling all the while at that incredible voiceover.

It's brilliant. Exquisite, even. I can't spoil it by talking about it, but there's a trailer below, if you want to take a look. But you shouldn't look. You should play it.

Watch on YouTube

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