Someone Wants Your Protection Money
A newly born Polish development team, Gingerbread Studios (can't find a website just yet, and I'm fairly sure it's not this one) has announced a first/third-person shooter for PC (and 360) called The Protector.
In the belows there's some commentary and screenshots.
Gingerbread explain that,
"The Protector centres on the exploits of two vastly different characters - hardened British mercenary Jonathan Kane and beautiful US archaeologist Jennifer Guile. After an acrimonious two-year estrangement, these two former lovers are reunited when Jennifer's father - a leading archaeologist - is murdered by a new terrorist organisation called Scarlet Vengeance, which is looking for a powerful Aztec artefact to use for a devastating terrorist attack. When Scarlet Vengeance's attentions turn to Jennifer - the only person who knows the location of the artefact - Kane is forced to track her down and protect her. Thrown together in extreme circumstances, the duo must overcome their differences and use their unique skills to thwart the terrorists' horrifying plan."
The hardened mercenary man rescues the beautiful lady? It's as Germaine Greer herself wrote the story. We are assured later that Jennifer is also "wily". And indeed you play as both during the game, shooting for Kane, stealthing for the lady.
There doesn't appear to be anything strikingly original about it at this point, the press release's feature list boasting what's the standards (physics, hiding behind objects, intelligent AI, and a branching story). But of course that's nothing to judge it on - it might be fantastic at all those things. One aspect sounds pretty unrealistic though:
"Fully interactive world, populated by civilians, commuters, students and workers who intelligently react to their surroundings and situations."
I wish the fully interactive world I lived in was populated by people who react intelligently to their surroundings and situations. But that's the point of videogames: to take us out of our regular lives.
Click on the screenshots for full size versions.