Gotta go slower: Sonic Mania delayed into summer
Chill out, hogman
"I live my life a quarter-mile at a time," Sonic the Hedgehog famously said. "Nothing else matters: not the mortgage, not the store, not my team and all their bullshit. For those ten seconds or less, I'm free."
But when you look up from the asphalt, oh boy, life comes at you fast. As recently as last Friday, Sonic was telling everyone that his new throwback 2D adventure Sonic Mania [official site] would arrive in spring. And now spring is but three days away, whup! He's pushed Sonic Mania's release back into summer. Sonic, come on, you can't keep living this furiously. Live fast, sure, but the fury is gonna catch you.
This delay is quietly announced in the description of a new trailer showing off Sonic Mania's Flying Battery Zone, a rework of the airship level from Sonic & Knuckles:
Hey, better a delay than a wonky game -- we've more than enough shoddy Sonics already, thank you. Sonic Mania is built of bits and pieces from the early Sonic games, reworked and reassembled in a new way. It's the work of several established Sonic community creators, which is a pretty neat play by Sega.
Oh, Sega also say that today they'll share a hunk of gameplay footage from the mysterious new 3D Sonic, now known to be named Sonic Forces. They announced that last year with a cinematic trailer but we don't know much about it. Someone snapped a bit of it from an event yesterday but it's wonky cameraphone-y that it's not even worth bothering. The game's made by the team behind Sonic Colors and Sonic Generations. Going by this old cinematic announcement trailer, it seems to be a Warhammer 40,000 spin-off pitting Sonics old and new against (Chaos?) Titan Legions: