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Space Shootitudity: Dark Horizon Demo

We haven't mentioned Quazar Studios-developed Paradox Interactive-published Dark Horizon before. Why not? Because we were scared. We saw the word "Dark" and shunned away, fearing the influence of Satan. But hearing that a 700Mb-or-so demo has been released has made us inch closer to discover after the word "Dark" came "Horizon" which shows the blessed touch of our Saviour. Hurrah! Anyway, the demo is six levels of the space shooter and if you want a better feel for it, there's two videos of it in action beneath the cut...

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Initial impressions from video: Ptoo! Ptoo! Ptoo!

Also: I probably should give it a shot. And Free Space 2, too, for that matter, as there's a box with its name on within eyesight of where I'm sitting. Also, it's up on Good Old Games.

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