Stabby, Shooty: Wanted Demo
BLAM-STAB-BLAM! Wanted, which was first a comic book and then a Angelina Jolie vehicle, is now a videogame. It's the cultural media equivalent of the ascent of man illustration, or something. Anyway, there's fancy shootin' aplenty in an 843mb demo, which came out yesterday. Trailer and thoughts below.
It would be awesome of this demo told you what you were supposed to be doing. Shooting dudes from a third person perspective, obviously, but how? And why do I run out of ammo so quickly? And aren't I supposed to be able to throw bullets around corners and suchlike? Hmm. (There's a tutorial? I was oblivious to it.) The game seems a little unclear about all that, so I bodged the first bit by running up to people and stabbing them by pressing E. Perhaps that's the point of the game, to work out how to stab people in the guts? That is pretty awesome. KICK! STAB! Later I realised that you can aim with the right mouse button. That's fun too.
The fact that hitting space makes you "attach" to cover in that Gears Of War way makes me suspect that this is supposed to be a game of leaping from one bit of cover to the next, shooting the bads as I go. Maybe it is, but it rapidly becomes clear that charge up to people and kneeing them to death is both more efficient, and more entertaining. DEAD!
It's all over a fairly quickly, which is a shame, because I was enjoying myself. In conclusion: a clueless, hyperviolent demo of the middle kind. It's the kind of thing I expect Grin (Ballistics, GRAW) had plenty of fun creating. The game is certainly thrill-packed, even if this short demo is moderately confusing. I might just grab the full thing to find out more.