On-Rails Space Explosions: Star Horizon
Pew pew!
You know what, yes, I do enjoy the odd on-rails shooter. Heck, I enjoy turret sequences from time to time. You bet I bought the game which was nothing but on-rails turret shooting! I like the arranged spectacle, and I like the non-stop murder murder. This is especially true in space, where my own attempts to zip over and inside a megacapital ship will end in explosions within seconds but railed games will carefully guide A Pretty Cool Thing. So ooh aah look at Star Horizon [official site], which is due in a few months.
Star Horizon's an on-rails zap zap pew pew space shooter with an upgradeable ship and, curiously, a branching storyline. Will I help my friends at the cost of failing a mission? I don't know - which choice leads to more and fancier explosions?
It's an "HD" port of a mobile game, but we're all sensible enough to not pout and groan about the very idea of that, aren't we. Pocket Gamer reviewed the pocket version, making it sound like a load of big colourful explosions and fancy scenes you blast and dodge through while trying to ignore a rubbish story, which is about what I had expected and hoped for.
Developers Tabasco Interactive plan to release Star Horizon on Windows and Mac some time from April to June at under $10. They're blasting at the shields of Steam Greenlight at the moment.