Star-Quashed Lovers: Radiator
Look to the skies. It's a trailer for the new Polaris, a reworked and extended version of the first of the Radiator experiments. It's a stargazing, although I imagine some people will consider the eyes to be firmly placed on the navel or shoes. New additions in this version include "completely re-done graphics, interactions, voice acting, narrative, a bit of full-frontal male nudity, and neck-strain-tastic Oculus Rift VR support". The video contains a rear-end but we'll have to wait for the full version for the full-frontal. It's due in August and, for those who haven't played it before, I'd say it's the game that has best captured the beauty, stress and banality of being on a date.
Radiator's brilliance is that it defies the notion that an experimental, nonviolent short-form game must by definition be a serious, chin-stroking creature. There is humour and self deprecation, all of which enhances the sense of wonder, just as the sometimes drab reality of relating to another is made fascinating by the form.