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Stargate: Resistance Footage

So here's an odd thing. Cheyenne Mountain, the developers of the Stargate Worlds MMO, are about to release a team-based Stargate-themed shooter, Stargate: Resistance, via Firesky studio. Stargate Worlds, you might remember, has had extreme difficulties with funding, development, and all that stuff. Which kind of begs the question as to why resources are being poured into a (frankly not great-looking) shooter instead. Well, it seems that the company want to offer something to fans, and this is a kind of "look we really are doing something with the Stargate license" offering intended to appease the hungry Stargateers (Stargatians? Stargaties? Stargatistas?) Anyway, the game is out February 10th, on digital download, and the trailer is below.

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