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Steamy Not-Windows - Valve's Linux Beta Begins

With Windows 8 (my review: ugh) now in the wild, one of its most vocal opponents makes their next move. A beta of Valve's previously-announced Steam for Linux is hardly a seachange, but it's nonetheless a big step in their investigation into a PC gaming future that doesn't revolve around Microsoft operating systems.

So, they've opened up applications for beta testers. "We're looking for Linux gamers to install and test our new Steam for Linux client. We are primarily interested in experienced Linux users," quoth they. I'm tempted - I used to use Ubuntu, but the trauma of installing new graphics card drivers eventually got too much for me - but doubt I'm the kind of fellow they need. Perhaps you are?

In which case, you should take a look at this link and submit your details. Let us know how it goes. Meanwhile, I might just partition the old hard drive and stick a Linux distro on there to get myself back up to speed. What's the best one to use these days? By which I mean, which one requires the least use of the terminal? Still Ubuntu?

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