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Steam To Start Hosting Mods

Valve loves them some modders. In fact, a significant proportion of their employees come from modding backgrounds - it's an area they take incredibly seriously, as a source for enormous talent. This goes a step further this Thursday, as Valve begins to host selected mods on Steam.

"As a part of our continuing efforts to support the MOD community, we will begin hosting selected MODs directly on Steam starting next week. The first five MODs to ship on steam will be Age of Chivalry, D.I.P.R.I.P., Insurgency, Synergy, and Zombie Panic. As always, owners of any Source game will be able to download and play all of these MODs for free."

In fact there are ten mods in the launch list, although it's not known when they'll all become available for download. They be: Fortress Forever, Empires Mod, D.I.P.R.I.P., Age of Chivalry, Zombie Panic: Source, INSURGENCY, Riot Act, Revolt: The Decimation, Awakening and Eternal Silence.

It's a fine collection, showcasing some of the best amateur talent in the Source modding community. And it finally puts to rest the complete nonsense a few like to put about claiming Valve doesn't support modding teams. Fortress Forever and Zombie Panic: Source being everyone's favourites for conspiracy theories, and both appearing on the list. Valve says,

"We're excited to see MOD developers get wider recognition for the hard work they have done, and we hope to support more MOD teams in the future."

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