Story Of The Blues: BlazBlue To Come To PC
I didn't know this was happening, but it's welcome. BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger - which does sound like the sort of title Quinns would make up at his most frenzied incoherence - arrived on the consoles in Europe this month, in the UK via Zen United. "IRRELEVANT TO THE TRUE CHURCH OF GAMING" you may say. To which I say i) your saying is a lot like a lot of other people's shouting. Chill, daddio. and ii) the PC version hits in June. If you want to know why that's a good thing, I point you at Eurogamer's 9/10 review which elaborates how it pushes the 2D Fighting game, in terms of a more building-up rather than pure memory combo system. Also, neat character design. It's also worth noting that it'll be compatible with the 360 multiplayer, meaning that there's a community of gamers for you to meet and be beaten up by in existence. When it's a genre which - to be polite - tends to lean consolewards, that sort of thing is quite important. It could be very lonely otherwise. A trailer nestles below...
On a related note, when SF4 hit on the PC, we were planning to do a load more about it, but playing with a 360 pad was fucking unbearable. So we didn't. Man!