Streetfighter IV: Demo Of A Demo
So I had planned to have a Wot I Think on Prototype up this evening, but my efforts have been stymied by The Worst Boss Fight Of All Time (TM) leaving me too tired and annoyed to celebrate the good stuff about the game. Tomorrow morning, when I am fresh and cheerful again... Until then, I shall type quickly but stoutly upon smaller subjects. First up, the demo/benchmark tool for the much-delayed Streetfighter IV PC. These curious 400Mb contain no playable code, but instead a technical demonstration of how the man-slapping opus looks and runs, complete with framerates should you care about such a thing. It's surprisingly pretty, I found - colourful yet detailed, and with a real physicality despite being a 2D wolf in 3D sheep's clothing. Seems to run very smoothly on my machine too, but then I do currently have a PC that could eat God. /Me flexes. Anyway, it's all yours from here. Oh - turn off Vsync, or you'll max out at 60fps.