Super Meta Boy: Concerned Joe
Tis the season for narrated platformers, shalalalalalala. Wait, was that enough las? Or too many? Writing is hard. Anyway! First Thomas Was Alone did the whole narration-while-jumping thing, and now we've got Concerned Joe using a similar concept but with more open humour and in which you, the player-as-character, are addressed/mocked directly, in GlaDOS stylee. No, actually, I am allowed to write 'stylee' as I was an honest-to-God teenager in the 1990s.
Anyway, again. Concerned Joe already exists as a free webgame, but, as was the case with Meat Boy evolving into Super Meat Boy, a well flashy new version is en route. Cue Immediately Engaging Footage:
I must admit that, after the ongoing rennaissance of the last few years, playing a platformer holds basically zero appeal for me now, but I am sorely tempted by this one. I want to see how far the commentary goes, how much it observes and pillories my actions and errors. Or, indeed, if it just says one line at each new screen then shuts up. That'd be shame.
There's also the death clock factor, wherein if you stop moving for too long, Joe's concern proves well founded and he expires. It's like Speed, as starring collection of blue pixels capable of infinitely more facial expressions than Keanu Reeves.
The rudiments of both the wry narration and the death clock may be found in the original game, which still lives here and is Quite Good As These Things Go.
The shiny new version of Concerned Joe should be out later this year. If you're concerned (ha) the devs aren't working hard enough, why not watch/shout at them on their livestreams:
Watch live video from xelubest on
Watch live video from 4urentertainment on
They call themselves 'Those Awesome Guys'. A bold claim indeed.
Here's an earlier look at Nu-Concerned Joe too, featuring a MOUSTACHE: