Tale of Ronin explores the life and death of samurai
You don't know Jack
Less than twenty seconds into the trailer for Tale of Ronin [official site], I nodded my head and made a note: "The Banner Saga but Bushido". I made another note at the end, which is even simpler: "HANDSOME". The first note is speculative. I don't know enough about Tale of Ronin to say whether or not it'll be similar to Stoic's series, but the scenes of the ronin leading a train of characters across the screen brought Banner's similar shots to mind immediately. It's similarly stunning as well, though the art style is very different.
The combat sequences seen are playable too, in "turn-based simultaneous resolve" fashion. I guess that means rock paper scissors style, except with swords instead of scissors. And instead of rocks and paper. Not a shotgun in sight though.
Developers Dead Mage say they'll be focusing on "the human side of the Samurai and the role of their personal emotions in their adventures and combat", which could be a nice change of pace from my current favourite Nioh (PS4 only), which is entirely about hitting people with swords so that they drop more swords.
I reckon the most interesting aspect of Tale of Ronin might be the persistent world though.
Sekai System, you die, the world lives: play the story of a new Ronin in the same world after each death.
Depending how much your actions can change the world, or how much it dynamically changes in the background as you play, this could be a heck of a feature. Any game that allows me to die and then discover traces of my own life in the next is instantly appealing.