Terratech's Free DIY Sumo Tank Demo
'Incredible Machine does Robot Wars'
Much as evoking robotic ball-based sci-fi puppetshow Terrahawks probably brings in a certain older crowd, they really should have called Terratech DIY Sumo Tanks. The world loves a prosaic title these days. Look out for my game 'Little Dude Jumps On Things Simulator' at the top of the Steam charts soon.
Terratech it is, though. We had a look at the jolly, Legoy vehicular combat game's Kickstarter last month, but they've now added an appealingly ridiculous local multiplayer mode to it, and even released an updated demo to show it off. It's The Incredible Machine does Robot Wars, basically.
"Sumo Showdown is a single screen, 4 player, local multiplayer mode in which you're challenged to bring your best vehicle creations to face off in a duel to the death" is good news for some people, but for those who interpret such statements as bad news, there is also this: "You can also play Sumo Showdown by yourself, pitting your vehicles against your friends' creations controlled by AI, or setup an AI only battle so that you can sit back and enjoy the carnage." Lonely people are allowed to play with tanks too! Thanks, tanks. Thanks.
Terratech, from London-based devs Payload, is just shy of halfway towards its £35K Kickstarter goal, with ten days left on the clock. From my superficial tinkerings so far, it does suggest a solid good time to me, so I do hope it makes it. Here's the original pitch vid: