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Marvelous Machinima: Valve Open Saxxy Award Voting

Get watching!

Each year, Valve honour the finest Source Filmmaker creators with an imaginary gold statuette of a shirtless imaginary man with chest hair in the shape of imaginary country Australia. Ah, the Saxxy Awards! Saxxy season is upon us once again, and you - yes you! - can join movers, shakers, and thinkfluencers like Steven CP_Steelberg and Shia LaBadlands. Valve have opened up public voting on submissions to whittle down entrants to the finalists, so you can watch and vote on machinima shorts to your hearts' content.

Click on over to the voting and generate a random selection of entries to watch, then vote away. If you want, you can be selective and choose which categories you'll see - from Action, Drama, Comedy, Short, and Extended - or have it whip up a new lot. You're helping. More than that, ideally you're having a larf seeing what folks have made. You'll find Team Fortress 2 movies, Dota 2, and heck, maybe even Portal 2 - anything made in Source Filmmaker.

While live-acted machinima and Garry's Mod have allowed for plenty of machinima larks, folks armed with Source Film Maker are making some really dang swish stuff. I'm not pooh-poohing other sorts of machinima but dang, SFM stuff can be real slick. Check out last year's winners for a look at some of the finest.

Valve say voting will end at 11pm on Monday (3pm PST, innit) then turn the results over to their "expert panel of judges".

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