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Terraria: Otherworld dumps old dev, hooks up with new

Another hold-up

Terraria: Otherworld [official site], the Terraria spin-off due to add "role-playing and strategy elements" to the from crafty-o-fighty sandbox, has switched developers. Terraria creators Re-Logic were unhappy with Otherworld's pace and direction of development, so they've taken it off Engine Software and given it to Pipeworks Studios. Engine made most of the original Terraria's console releases, while Pipeworks are the gang working on mobile and Switch versions. Otherworld is obviously delayed further by this, but Re-Logic say that's better than releasing a shoddy game.

Otherworld, to refresh your memory, is a side-game rather than a sequel. It's to be a more story-driven game, with players and some fellow survivors trying to fight back a corrupting force in an alternate dimension, bringing in a bit of tower defense to keep corruption at bay. Re-Logic announced Otherworld in February 2015 then come July 2016, Re-Logic were unhappy enough with progress to put a new lead designer and art lead on the project. Evidently that didn't work out.

Re-Logic said in yesterday's 'Changing of the Guard' announcement:

"Our team had a clear vision for this game – one that we shared with all of you with much shared excitement – and, as much as we hate to say it (and in spite of all of the reforms we tried last year) - the current state of the game is still equal parts far from that vision and well behind schedule.

"As a result, we have made the decision to move on from having Engine Software continue development of Terraria: Otherworld. Re-Logic has possession of the game (code, art, sounds, etc.) as it exists today, and we have been examining the array of options available to us to get TOW to a place to where we can confidently deliver on the vision and expectations we all have for this game. After taking a good hard look at everything, we feel that a new and fresh start/direction is the only way Otherworld will ever reach its full potential at this point."

Re-Logic say they will "examine the entire game, from top to bottom" with Pipeworks, which means they'll go quiet about Otherworld for a bit while formulating a new plan.

"Come whatever may, quality is simply not something we are willing to compromise on to make a quick buck. It may be painful in the short term, but our sincere hope is that it will pay off for everyone in the long term. Clearly, had we known this would be the scenario way back then, we would have held off on announcing the game until a later time - but such is game development."

Here's a look at Otherworld from way back in March 2015:

Watch on YouTube

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