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The Colour Of Money: Trine 2 DLC And Sale

I remember a review of Zhang Yimou's Hero which claimed that almost any frame from the film would be worthy of hanging in a gallery. Hyperbolic perhaps but it was a motion picture not afraid to include all of the the colours, frequently in astonishing arrangements. Similarly rich in palette, Trine 2 brings a beauty all its own to the fields and frozen wastes that are so well-trodden by hordes of wizards and warriors. It's truly fantastic fantasy art and I'd happily watch a slideshow of both its spectacles and subtleties for hours. All that beauty can be yours for £2.99 this weekend on Steam, which is less than you'd spend on a postcard of a hill. The Goblin Menace DLC is also available now and at £5.09 actually costs more than the game at the moment.

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New skills, enemies and environments. The latter include "the insides of a giant sand worm". I bet its sand-guts are somehow more colourful than the entirety of every other game.

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