The Dutch Army: N00bs.
You may be aware that as well as releasing splendid (if a little - er - twitchy) Soldier Sims, Bohemia interactive turn their Armed Assault (i.e. Flashpoint minus the intellectual property rights) into military simulators. VBS2 is actually developed by Bohemia Australia. Among their clients are the Dutch army, who recently arranged a game between five professionally trained soldiers and five gamers. Jerry Hopper was there.
The gamers would do whatever gamers would do. The Army would work according to official doctrine. Since the soldiers in question weren't actually familiar with VBS2, the results were perhaps a trifle predictable, but that's hardly the point.
RPS would challenge the SAS to a game of TF2 to decide who's the hardest three-letter-acronym group on the surface of the planet, but we're far too scared they'll slide a blade across our throats in our sleep or something.