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The Foxer

To fully defox the following enlargeable geofoxer, identify all twelve locations plus the theme that links them.


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Last week's hive theme: mazes and labyrinths (defoxed by ylla)

cedric diggory (chuckieegg)
chartres (Dr. Breen)
clew (ylla)
corn (Thulsa Hex)
fair rosamund (chuckieegg, Thulsa Hex)
gorvil (Thulsa Hex)
gotcha (ylla)
maziac (ylla)
ofelia (Thulsa Hex)
overlook (ylla)
peace (ylla)
rat (Thulsa Hex)
richard o'brien (Thulsa Hex)
snowlandia (ylla)
tolman (ylla)
troy town (Thulsa Hex)
unicursal (Thulsa Hex)

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