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The Foxer

I know of defoxing establishments that won't let you in unless you're wearing a quilted defoxing jacket and a regulation fez. Here at the FP defoxing annexe we're a lot more relaxed. As long as you're shod, wearing no gang identifiers, and sport no incorrectly apostrophised tattoos, Maginot Maxine, our Door Supervisor, won't turn you away.

Last week's theme : The Siege of Sidney Street (defoxed by AFKAMC)

a Painter (phuzz)
b Stepney (Little_Crow)
c He 111 (phuzz, Stugle)
d Maker's plate from a TCDD 'Churchill' (partially defoxed by Matchstick and Little_Crow)
e Fireman's helmet (Cooper, phuzz)
f Type 100 SMG (Cooper)
g Latvian Air Force roundel (Arioch_RN)
h Peter Wyngarde (Artiforg)
i Scots Guards (Arioch_RN)
j Sylvia Sidney (unsolved)
k Pathé News logo (Arioch_RN)

* * * * * *


Foxer Fact No.394

When an I-5 fighter collided with the agitprop airship 'Maxim Gorky' over Moscow in 1932, the only survivor was Russian foxer setter Nikolai Stepanov. Stepanov's amazing luck held during the Great Purge and the Siege of Leningrad, only to desert him spectacularly on August 5th, 1946, the day he was struck and killed by a dead eagle owl while walking in the woods near his dacha.

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