The Foxer
A guest! How splendid! Annexe staff tend to outnumber visitors on Christmas Eve Eve so you may have to sleuth solo today. Do grab a hot mead and a marzipanzer on the way to the den (Roman is particularly proud of his petit four PzKpfw IVs. The Schürzen are made from tiny plates of flaked almond). And, if you aren't in too much of a hurry, stick your head around the library door and admire Maxine's completely edible 1:16 Winter War diorama (Those beautiful gingerbread aerosanis are the culmination of weeks of experimentation)
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Last week's theme: The Great Seal bug (defoxed by AFKAMC and Little_Crow)
a Theremin player, Clara Rockmore (Little_Crow)
b Horizontal Situation Indicator heading bug (Little_Crow, Matchstick)
c E. H. Harriman award (Little_Crow)
d IAR 330 SOCAT (Matchstick)
e Young Pioneer (Stugle)
f Soviet helicopter carrier Moskva (Stugle)
g TF2 Ambassador kill icon (AbyssUK)
h Antenna screenshot (AbyssUK)
i Canopy of Gary Powers' U-2 (AFKAMC)
j Miles Satyr (Little_Crow)
k US one-dollar bill (Little_Crow, Artiforg)