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The Foxer

Warm-Up Foxer (What am I?)

You can purchase me through Steam. I'm mentioned in 'I, Claudius'. I'm an archer buff. I can be used as a broom. I'm half Greek, half Italian. I'm powerless against cows. I was studied here. I helped defend Scotland. I'm not used to flavour yoghurt.

Feature Foxer (Identify the collage theme)

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Last Week's Warm-Up Foxer (defoxed by Gusdownup)

I was Fred Karno

Last Week's Feature Foxer

Theme: beheading (defoxed by Gothnak)

a Cromwell tank (phuzz)
b Hans and Sophie Scholl (unacom)
c John Cleese (Artiforg, Stugle, Little_Crow)
d AirExplore 737 - Air Explore's ICAO code is 'AXE' (Little_Crow)
e Handley Page Halifax (AFKAMC)
f RSAF roundel (Stugle)
g Gawain (mrpier)
h Raleigh Bicycle Company logo (Little_Crow)
i ketch (phlebas)
j The Maiden Stone (mrpier)
k Bloch MB.161 (phuzz)
l Serious Sam logo (Little_Crow)

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