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The Foxer

Warm-Up Foxer (What am I?)

I was born in France but spent much of my childhood in Italy. I've a connection with Honda and Rolls-Royce. I survived WW2 by hiding under a bed. I'm as heavy/light as a Grease Gun. My likeness has appeared on many different objects including stamps, posters, tickets, trays and handkerchiefs. SE19 occupies a special place in my heart. My current whereabouts is unknown.

Feature Foxer (Find the missing letter)

Unlike the classic collage foxers with which they are often confused, missing letter foxers aren't themed. You solve them by working out which letter or acronym each clue represents. One letter of the alphabet isn't referenced by any of the collage components and this letter is the foxer solution.

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Last Week's Warm-Up Foxer (defoxed by Orontes)

I was Krakatoa

Last Week's Feature Foxer

Theme: Annie Londonderry (defoxed by Gothnak)

a Sterling SMG (Stugle)
b Lithium atom (Arioch_RN, Shiloh, Gothnak)
c Sander Cohen mask (phuzz)
d Amelia Bloomer (unsolved)
e 10,000 USD note (Gothnak)
f Paperboy screenshot (Gothnak)
g Faithful Annie (AFKAMC)
h John Wesley Hardin – he attended one of Annie's lectures (AbyssUK)
i Jagdtiger - Annie claimed to have hunted tigers during her time in India (Stugle)
j Columbia Records logo (AbyssUK)
k Passepartout from 80 Days (Stugle)
l County Londonderry (Arioch_RN, Gothnak)

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