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The Foxer

Warm-Up Foxer (Who am I?)

I was a climber and an aviator. I was named by a child. I was born in Central America but spent most of my life in the Deep South. I was magnified in Manhattan. I was silent for nine years. My picture appeared in one of the world's most famous magazines. I lived amongst limbs. Unlike Panthera pardus pardus I could change my spots. All of my offspring perished before reaching maturity. I had huge hands. I died alone.

Feature Foxer (Identify the collage theme)

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Last Week's Warm-Up Foxer (defoxed by Little_Crow)

I was in Truth or Consequences, New Mexico, next to Ralph Edwards Park

Last Week's Feature Foxer

Theme: the Victoria Line (defoxed by The Bitcher III)

a Green Party logo (Rorschach617)
b 5d stamp – 1968 (mrpier, phuzz. AFKAMC)
c Tate Britain (Syt)
d HMS Victoria – 1887 (AFKAMC)
e Vauxhall Motors logo (Matchstick)
f Subaru 360 ('Subaru' = the Pleiades) (phuzz)
g General Aircraft Hotspur (Matchstick)
h Parklife cover (Matchstick)
i 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment (Little_Crow)
j Warren Beatty (Stugle, Matchstick)
k Oxford Tracked Carrier (phuzz)
l A Finsbury Park Deltic (Matchstick)

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