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The Foxer

Roman was in confessional mood yesterday evening at the Green Man. His tongue loosened by several pints of Old Cloudy, my chief foxer setter finally explained why he and Helen, the defoxing annexe librarian, were no longer together. It turns out there was no fling with Maxine... no ultimatum related to Roman's house-filling collection of historically significant barbed wire. During a day trip to Stonehenge, the pair rowed irrevocably about the origins of the bluestones. Roman's ardent belief in Welsh quarries collided head-on with Helen's unshakeable faith in erratic glaciers.

This cryptic collage has a hidden theme.

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Last week's collage theme: woodpeckers (defoxed by Gothnak)

a Gabbett-Fairfax Mars pistol (phuzz)
b Imperial crest, Star Wars (Lazzars)
c Stamp commemorating transpolar flight by ANT-25 (Shiloh, mrpier)
d Marche region, Italy (phuzz, Gothnak)
e Woody Harrelson, Natural Born Killers (Little_Crow)
f Poster art from the movie Ride, Tenderfoot, Ride (phlebas, phuzz, DanMunchie)
g Picchio DP2 (phuzz)
h Drum stick (mrpier)
i Cinnamon stick (mrpier)
j Book about the US Army's 'Golden Acorn' Division (phuzz, AbyssUK, Rorschach617)
k Peckerwood Hill (unsolved)
l Gila MRAP (AbyssUK)

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