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The Foxer

Warm-up Foxer (Where am I?)

I'm 200 metres from a sizeable mushroom farm. I can see a railway locomotive numbered 8789. The street I'm on shares a name with a Tintin character, a Viceroy of India, and an Antipodean art prize. I'm at the same latitude as a city featured in Battlefield 1. I'm 1.5km from a footloose fort named after a British Overseas Territory. I'm in a country that won't be playing in the 2018 FIFA World Cup. I'm standing next to a grain elevator that no longer exists.

Feature Foxer (Identify the collage theme)

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Last week's Warm-Up Foxer: coal torpedo (defoxed by mrpier)

Last week's Feature Foxer theme: twists (defoxed by Gothnak)

a twist of cherry-coloured silk (phuzz)
b twist of orange (Matchstick)
c barley twist (Gothnak)
d Hank Ballard's 'The Twist' (unsolved)
e twist of fate (eeldvark)
f twist and shout (unsolved)
g Bejeweled Twist (Little_Crow)
h twist or stick (phuzz)
Oliver Twist (AFKAMC)
j Simon 'Twist' Eliasson (AbyssUK)
k twist of tobacco (AbyssUK)
l plot twist (Arioch_RN)
m Twist from Spaced (richtysoe)

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