The Foxer
Warm-up Foxer (Where am I?)
My left foot is on the number '1800', my right on the number '4220'. I can see a white and green tram. I'm on the banks of a river that gave its name to an aircraft manufacturer. I'm due south of a famous prehistoric hill figure. The country I'm in has hosted the Winter Olympics more times than it has hosted the Summer Olympics. This city has something in common with Norwich. I'm a kilometre away from the birthplace of a literary giant and half a kilometre from a warship that starred in a recent movie. I'm a stone's throw from a bridge named after a duchess.
Feature Foxer
The 127-cell honeycomb below is a fancy form of wordsearch in which every cell is used, and words can curl and zigzag but never overlap. Each hive foxer has a unique theme (some past themes: Harry Potter, gold, postage stamps, and The 39 Steps) Identifying this theme is a vital part of the defoxing process. Today you are looking for twenty words.
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Last week's warm-up foxer: I was here (defoxed by Gusdownup)
Last week's feature foxer:
huntress (phlebas)
ambush (Arioch_RN)
togo (Gothnak)
aviojet (AbyssUK)
riga (Gothnak)
catnip (Gothnak)
F.A. (Gothnak)
lipizzaner (AFKAMC)
lorgnette (phlebas, ylla)
bindi (Artiforg)
widgeon (AFKAMC)
agouty (Stugle)
utopia (phlebas)
trojan (phlebas)
eve (artiforg)
spa (phlebas)
baja (Gothnak)
venezuela (Gothnak)
palpatine (Gothnak)
K.A. or A.A. (phlebas)
playbook (Gothnak)
faraday (Artiforg)
malawi (AFKAMC)
lancer (Stugle)
breda (AbyssUK, Gothnak)