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The Last Federation: Lost Technologies Expansion Is Out

New toys

The fizzing ideaboxes of Arcen Games have been awfully busy with the delayed Stars Beyond Reach and a side-project, but they haven't forgotten about their last game, The Last Federation [official site]. Working with a member of their community, they've released a new expansion for the space strategy game. 'The Lost Technologies' adds, you know, new technologies, along with a new mode focused on racing up the tech tree, new side-effects to techs, new champion-type enemies, a Ring World planet type, and more. The game and all its add-ons are on sale for a bit too.

Arcen explain:

"This expansion is focused on filling in all sorts of small pieces of the game that could use a bit of extra content, as well as adding some larger features with a surprisingly high impact. Take tech side effects, for instance: they add dual motivations to getting any tech. Do I want that tech in order to give it to some other race, or do I perhaps just want it to beef up myself a tad?

"All of the races feel more unique in terms of how they evolve based on their new race-specific techs in the tech tree, and there are even 8 Hydral techs that you can go on a new mission type in order to find."

These sound like good things to have in a game of solar union/domination.

The Lost Technologies is about £4 Steam, Humble, and GOG. To mark the launch, Arcen have put the new Last Federation Collection (which includes Lost Technologies) on sale for half-price in the same places - it's cheapest on GOG, at £8.09.

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