The Mass-Effectification of Dragon Age 2
Why change a winning formula? That's what I was left wondering after discovering that, on the one hand, Dragon Age sold better than any Bioware game ever as of November, and on the other, that the formula is changing dramatically for Dragon Age 2. It's worth noting that the PC version isn't changing as much as the console versions of the game. We will apparently retain "strategic combat", which is a good news, while console chums will be "playing to their strengths" with more actiony combat mechanics. Conversation will also now be handled via Mass Effect's wheel system. The biggest change, however, is that Dragon Age 2 will be getting its own equivalent of Shepard, with player character options reduced to the male of female versions of "Hawke" (pictured? I think). Bioware confirmed on their forums that you will have to play a human.
Hell, I enjoyed Mass Effect 2, but you have to wonder why Dragon Age was so successful in the first place. Not because it was copying its less successful sibling, that's for sure. I enjoy almost all of Bioware's work, but I think boiling one game down to another just makes gaming a less interesting place. Diversity is important.