The Mystery Of Dungeon
Confession time! I have never played a game by mad-brained indie wunderkind Jonathan 'Cactus' Söderström before. No idea why - despite Jim regularly giving his games an approving nod, in that stern, stoic Jim Rossignol way of his, I've managed to miss every single one. Dungeon, his collaboration with one Arthur 'Mr. podunkian' Lee (what is it with these names? I've gotta get me one. Call me Alec 'Windows Sound Recorder' Meer from now on, if you will), rather confirms my opinions from afar - that the chap is making splendid but oddball independent videogames that will please anyone who doesn't scream "pretentious!" the second they're faced with something even slightly artistically-minded. Not that Dungeon is necessarily artistically-minded - it has another agenda...
It's a platformer. It's a hard platformer. It's a retro platformer. It's a very short platformer. It tells a story in novel fashion. It will make you swear, a lot. It's a bit naughty (not sex-naughty. The other naughty). I like it.
To entirely appreciate why I like it, you'll need to play bonus mini-game Clarity after (seriously - after. Please don't do it first) you've got as far as you care to. All will make sense, and you'll either chuckle or scream when it does.
To those who finish/decipher it, please avoid spoilers of any kind. You might want to leave your number, though.