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Code Of The Road Safety MMO

It's about road safety and it's still set in a fantasy world! These MMO designers. Tsk! Code Of Everand was actually down when I clicked through to have a look, but apparently the idea behind this free MMO is teach road safety skills to nippers. It's a metaphor, you see: "Deadly ‘spirit channels’ inhabited by roaming monsters criss-cross the land. Players are 'pathfinders', heroic adventurers trained to cross the spirit channels safely." The UK's Department For Transport worked with augmented-reality games dev specialists Area/Code, (responsible for the Discovery Channel’s Sharkrunners and Drop7 on me iPhone), to create the game. It's probably worth noting to the rest of the world that the UK drives on the wrong side of the road, so what this MMO teaches foreign children could potentially result in comedy cartoon flattened-by-steamroller mishaps. It won't be as good as being taught how to cross the road by the man who was inside Darth Vader, anyway. (See below.)

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