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The Sims 4 To Be The Fourth Sims Game?

EA's recently-announced The Sims 4 may in fact be a new Sims game, sources have revealed to RPS.

The source, who did not wished to be named but who purports to have strong ties to the press release-reading community, claimed exclusively to this website that The Sims 4 is in fact the fourth in the Sims series.

While EA has of yet only revealed that The Sims 4 will be released in 2014, our source has elaborated that the game will be available next year.

"EA are trying hard to keep this from going public," said the source, "but The Sims 4 is the sequel to The Sims 3." RPS has taken steps to verify the identity of this source, and as such is currently convinced that The Sims 4 is indeed a new Sims game.

When our source was quizzed for more on EA's statement that The Sims 4 would include an offline singleplayer mode, gunshots were heard, then the line went dead.

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