The Star's The Star: Star Conflict
Can this really be the first game called Star Conflict? The ten seconds of research I applied to the question suggests that it is. Amazing. Anyway, this space combat game from Gaijin is looking interesting. It's a Russian MMO heading to the west, and it sits roughly along the lines of World Of Tanks or Mechwarrior Online, only this time you're a space pilot with a big old spaceship full of lasers. So it's team-based rounds of fighting, with resource-spending and tinkering in the intermissions. The pace of it (at least judging by the gameplay footage I've found, some of which you can see below) seems fairly sedate compared to the whizzy zero-G kung fun we're used to from space games. I understand it's more of a game of positioning and loadout tactics than reaction time and flight skill, but I can see why that would appeal to a few players. #oldmen
Anyway it's free, and you can play it here. (I'm jumping in once I post this, so I might see you in there. Will report back if I find it appealling.)