The Sunday Papers
Sundays are for grabbing a boxful of comics so I can make my presence known at Comiket in Battersea - come along, if you're in the area - while hoping you work out a way to make a plot into (y'know) a plot. Oh - and quickly compiling a list of the fine (mostly) game related reading from across the week, without linking to some piece of pop music by someone who does things other than make pop music. Go!
- Over at the 'toid, Chris "SpyParty" Hecker and Andy "Monaco" Schatz are interviewed about their plans for PAX. As in, booth! Go booth! This sounds fun, and if you're there, I'd think it well worth going along. You can ask after Andy's cat.
- I want to plug a couple of new entries to the world of games blogs. Games? and Five Players. Both I suspect will be worth watching over the next few months.
- Christopher Webb points me at Ars Technica on gamers beating an algorithm to find a protein structure.
- Bitmob's article's title is at least enough to get you reading: my four-year old plays Grand Theft Auto.
- This made me smile. The Player gets out the slide-rule and runs some maths on Eurogamer commentators who say things like "That reads like a 6".
- Debated heavily over the last week was Gamespro's column about how Games Journalists should resist PR events attempts to drag them into the performance. I'm actually fine with a little polite clapping after a presentation - it's the equivalent of "Thanks for your time" at the end of an interview. But for god's sake, no whooping.
- The Reticule has a good old whine about TF2 hats.
- Denby went to New York. He tried to do the first level of Deus Ex for real. Man!
- Indie-RPG developer Craig Stern wonders whether reviewing indie-RPGs is that smart thing to be doing. Also, has dreams featuring us. I had a dream last night I had to write a feature for today, and had to do all these interviews overnight. I kept on waking up thinking I really had to do the feature. When, in fact, I merely have another two or three impossible deadlines.
- The yearly RPGDX game challenge is cover, with a week to write a micro-RPG with the theme of "Alternate History". Craig Stern - oh no! he can't help himself - writes about the winners.
- Here's an Alexander Ocias-inspired blog called Interpretations of myself, where he turns games into little pieces of non-genre fiction about - er - himself. Certainly odd enough to link to.
- Remember our gut-wrenching Neptune's Pride diary? Well, Bit-tech are doing one. This won't end well. It never does.
- Leigh Alexander writes for the LA Times about the Brooklyn indie-music/game designer crossover.
- Leigh's best thing was this for Thought Catalog, where she writes about every gaming system she's ever owned. And PC. She's a traitor, you see.
- Brendan Caldwell rages about unpaid internship. They're illegal. No-one seems to care. On a more game-centric note, here's him on the effect of games on dreams.
- Remember the RPS Game? Andy Clarke did the music for it. Anyway, he's putting on MUSICIANS: THE MUSICAL on the 28th in North London. Here's the trailer . He also promises there will be cake, and I do like cake.
- Were you wondering what Demis "Elixir" Hassibis is up to now? Well, here's him on a new blueprint for AI.
- So, I went to the Scott Pilgrim premier in London this week. It's good. You'd probably like it. Anyway - when O'Malley isn't writing six-graphic-novel-sequences, he's making music as Kupek. Here's his cover of Born Slippy.