The Sunday Papers
What's Sunday for? Trying to post a compiled list of all the neat reading we've found online, in the gaps whilst the troublesome site is actually up, whilst trying to avoid posting a NY-bar karakoke classic. Because that'd be terrible.
- We avoided doing anything Valentines related at the site, for obvious reasons (We forgot and/or couldn't be bothered and/or considered an evil machination of a world that strives to commercialise affection). But that doesn't mean we're not dirty great softies. Barry White proves that Pyro is totally a she. At least, in his case.
- I'm up for any piece of writing which begins with the word "Confessions". Daedren writes about his experience as a bot-user in World of Warcraft.
- Last week saw the release of the latest volume of videogame-referencing instant classic, Scott Pilgrim. Here's a review by one Kier... oh, yeah, it's by me. Came close to posting it here, but decided it was just a touch off topic. Suffice to say, spoiler dense after the intro, and you really sould be reading Scott Pilgrim if you even like RPS in the slightest.
- Remember the recent Eve Online exploit controversy? Don't quite get what the scam was? Well, after reading this insanely detailed overview of the whole thing, you will. It's got graphs and everything.
- Wonder why Capcom joined the PC Gaming Alliance? Wonder no longer.
- Wonder why Battlefield 1943 has its design decisions? Wonder no longer.
- Here's a lovely critical essay about Gravity Bone. Yeah, it cites what I wrote about the bally thing, but don't hold that against it.
- God, it's been a hectic Games Journalism Journalism week. Funniest was the PSX Extreme struggling with the concept of subjectivity regarding Edge's Killzone 2 review.
. The general furore causes the Thoughtshake to explore the concept of marking and subjectivity a little more. Meanwhile, the Artful Gamer picks over the corpse of New Games Journalism in an attempt to formulate some kind of New New Games Journalism. Be careful, man. You're going to create some kind of New New Games Journalism Journalism. And nobody wants that. - Bruce Springsteen - Born To Run. If only there was some manner of record of Al Ewing performing this on Sunday night. It was quite literally a thing.
Failed. But at least the RPS server hasn't gone down. Quickly! Post! Post!