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The TRON-a-tron: TRON Evolution

Tron! Tron. It's a word that you mustn't say too many times, lest it become absurd. Avoid this danger by watching other people say the word in the most recent look at Tron Evolution, which I have posted below. In this informative video capsule the developers say stuff about Tron, and they do this because they know more about the game than we do, and wish to impart some of that knowledge. At least I hope they know more than we do, because otherwise the game is in big trouble. I also note that there's a chap over on GameTrailers calling for a boycott on this game because it isn't coming out on PC. His mistake is that it is coming out on PC, which makes that seem like a bad reason to boycott it. He does make a good point about Tron 2.0, though. I made some good points about it here, too. I'm not going to be boycotting anything, either, because I like the glowy colours.

Below: Tron.

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GameTrailers, we love you, but update your Tron tags please.

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