The Ultimate RPG For Commodore 64
Kieron points out that this is probably, realistically, literally the "ultimate" RPG for the Commodore 64, as its website claims, since it's likely to be the last one ever to be produced. Newcomer is part adventure, part RPG, and it's coming out on the C64 this year, probably. Protovision claim to have spent twenty years working on the game, the details for which can be found on the product page here. At 70-280 hours on the first playthrough, it's certainly a contender for one of the bigger single-player games to be hitting our personal computers this year, even if it might be tough to find a working C64 to play it on. If we can dig one up, we might even have to give it a look. The game certainly seems ambitious for a C64 title. Two megabytes total data! How did they fill up all that space?
[Thanks to Mihai, who first wrote about Newcomer here, for pointing this out.]