The WoW: Cataclysm Trailers
WoW be changin'! The titular cataclysm is going to shake up Azeroth permanently, and Blizzard have been steadily releasing information about what it all means before the launch, later this year. There are a couple of new races, and their starting areas, a level cap boost (only five this time) and a bunch of low end changes, but there are also some big changes to more familiar areas, especially cities, as you can see below. Also, regions like Desolace were always like spare bedrooms that the game never really used properly - Blizzard probably just left some boxes in there and stuff - but it, along with a few other places, are now being refurbished and requestenated for the benefit of future generations of shiny, happy WoW players. Bless. Watching these trailers there's a part of my brain that says "ooh, you should go back and have a look at that." And I'll probably create a goblin... What's that noise? The dark, inexorable roar of the timesink? Well, I always had a thing for staring into the abyss.