There And Block Again: Lego - The Hobbit
Unnecessary Lego Legolas
Traveller's Tales have announced that their next game will not be Lego: Doctor Who by announcing that their next game will be Lego: The Hobbit. Due in Spring of next year, the game will cover the events of the first two Hobbit games FILMS (edited to fix idiocy), which means about sixteen hours of playtime will take place in Goblin Town and the barrel sequence will last until the last embers of our sun have been snuffed into oblivion, like the remnants of a lonely campfire on an desolate hillside. There's a video below.
This is not a trailer. This is the work of the rather splendid Lord of the Bricks.
Now watch that six thousand times.
Presumably, as with Lego Harry Potter, there will be a second part after the final film's release to finish the story. I'm hoping that it'll have a similar structure to Lego: Lord of the Rings, which is currently my favourite Lego game. That said, I haven't played the marvellous Marvel game yet so my opinion is worthless.