These hidden object games are cute and cheap
100 Hidden Aliens, Birds, Snails, and more
My favourite video game series this year has been a steady flow of wee hidden object games with names like 100 Hidden Birds and 100 Hidden Aliens. Pay a quid and you get an illustration with 100 new thingies to find. That's it. That's enough for me.
Working with different artists, Anatoliy Loginovskikh has so far released 100 Hidden Snails, 100 Hidden Eternals, 100 Hidden Birds, 100 Hidden Gnomes, and 100 Hidden Aliens, with 100 Hidden Cupcakes out later this week. You can see the lot on Steam. Most of 'em only cost £0.79/€0.79/$0.99.
Look, here's me trying to find some birds (oh god, I see so many I missed):
Yes, you get an achievement for every bird. This is 1) pointless 2) kinda neat, because Steam cheevo stats let you see some birds just are more difficult than others.
None are that hard, mind. The first 50 hidden thingies are found easy. The next 30 cause some trouble. Then it gets tougher, until around 5 remaining when I will confess to clicking on a few things I didn't think actually were the object but just in case (that has never been the solution). Maybe 15-20 minutes each? Tidy.
I haven't played any other series with multiple games out this year so it is maybe a win by default, but I dig 'em. While they're not animated and interactive like the lovely Hidden Folks, they are pleasant enough. I've bought a few as they've come out across the months because 80p for a bit of fun and a nice picture is okay with me.