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This Is The Scariest Skyrim Mod I've Ever Seen

Nothing to fear but itself. And this thing.

[Droning train whistle sounds]

What's that?

[The sound of an engine chugging, whirring as though fueled by the souls of a thousand blood-puking damned]

No. No, no, no, no, no, no. This can't be happening. This cannot be happening. Quick, stay behind me, and whatever you do, DON'T LOOK DIRECTLY INTO ITS--

The full mod, which turns all of Skyrim's dragons into horrific, dead-eyed visages of Thomas The Tank Engine, can be found here and here. If you truly know no fear, watch the video below. Then consider how lucky you are to be alive, call your mom, and finally splurge on that nice handbag/litter of puppies/harpoon gun that you're nearly certain could pierce the armor of a murderous nightmare train you've been wanting.

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