Tiling Away The Hours: Carcassonne On PC
Either this was unheralded or I've been listening to the wrong heralds, but Carcassonne is now available from Gamersgate in a rather spiffy looking PC conversion. There has already been a version for your personal computing device, but it was only distributed in Germany and has since been discontinued so it can carry a relatively hefty price tag. This downloadable version is £7.95, or £23.97 for a four-pack. It certainly looks the part and several expansions are included: rivers, inns and cathedrals, dealers and builders, and king and scout. Multiplayer works over internet and networks, as well as in hotseat mode, which is proper and good.
I demand more decent boardgame conversions. I'd get on a chair and shout about it but I'm all on my own, so I'll settle for writing it down instead. I want tactile things but I also want willing participants available at any hour of day or night. Arkham Horror and Mansions of Madness are my primary demands. Get to it, programmers, get to it.
As for Carcassonne, it's fair to say Mr Florence isn't entirely convinced by the gentle joy of laying down a road tile, but I quite like its simple pleasures.