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Tom Chick on Endwar: Is Less More?

This is the sort of thing I'd normally save for the weekend's Sunday Papers, but I realised that EndWar has come out on the PC and we haven't really talked about it. Reason being, I suspect, it hasn't really impressed the RPSers who've explored it. Hotkey-expert Tom Chick is painfully aware that he appears to be is in the minority in appreciating it ("Looking for a multiplayer game of EndWar on the PC has a very "I Am Legend" feel.") but that hasn't stopped him taking a swing at ten reasons why EndWar is a totally unique RTS game and well worth more attention. It's deliberately, gleefully perverse. To quote from its conclusion "10. EndWar has no depth. 9. EndWar has no variety. 8. EndWar has a dull economy". So... what did everyone else make of it? And for those who don't know anything about it, you'll find the PC launch trailer beneath the cut...

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