Tux And Roll: Blood Stone Trailer
What is going to happen to Bond? With the films on hiatus it seems all we really have to look forward to from the smooth agent is a Daniel Craig facsimile doing his "the Bourne Movies were quite good" routine in a tux. It's a shame. It's not that Blood Stone looks particularly bad, as you can see from the trailer below, it's just that, well, I was watching Roger Moore and Christopher Walken ham about in A View To A Kill last night, and I couldn't help feeling that Bond might be wandering too far from what made it great. Without humour, we are getting just another action movie, and without the classic billionaire-genius villains, well, what's the point in deploying Britain's greatest espionage asset? It wasn't like this in my day. I remember when all this was green fields. These steamships are ruining everything.
In-game footage aplenty, below.