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Twin Souls: The Path Of Shadows Has Pretty Dead Things

Murder time

"The stealth looks too easy, but these murders sure do look pretty," declare news overlord Alice, as she strokes a cat made out of pale, white bytes. We all nod. In the interstitial place that is the RockPaperShotgun headquarters, all hearts are one. Lince Works' Twin Souls: The Path of Shadows [official site] is an interesting beast. For a stealth game, the stealth-y parts of this Japanese-flavored work-in-progress don't look terribly difficult. But the kill sequences, at least in this gameplay video, seem quite elegant.

Watch on YouTube

According to the description on YouTube, the video actually showcases the game at a simpler difficulty. Possibly so the devs don't have to spend hours trying to pull off kick-ass moves, I suppose. In case you've not read about the game before, Twin Souls will have you controlling an undead dude named Aragami. For reasons that will no doubt be explained in-game, you're irrevocably bound to a damsel-in-possible-distress named Yamiko who is, in turn, being imprisoned by a company of warriors capable of controlling the Light. I don't know about you, but I am suspicious about whether we'd be fighting this battle from a moral high ground.


The game will have you mowing through a legion of unsuspecting personnel, even as you break through Yamiko's prison seals. Along the way, you’ll also possibly be trying to recover your own memories because what game is complete without a touch of amnesia? No concrete release date has been listed as of yet. The best we can do is tell you it might be coming in spring 2016.

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